Thinking big is the worst advice you’ve ever received. We’ve been sold a dream in such a way.
Think big, and success will follow.
But let's talk facts and be practical. How often do you think It actually worked?
In reality, thinking big is the fastest way to not take any action.
Instead of being a launchpad, it just becomes a quicksand.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t dream big, but thinking big will not make you move your a**.
This will create an endless loop of self-doubt, over-planning and “someday” thinking.
And that “Someday” never comes.
The Hidden Traps of Thinking Big
1. Big Dreams = Big Overwhelm
You really get excited when you hear any of these:
A million-dollar business
A best-selling book
A life-changing startup
Hiring thousands of peoples
But the bigger the dream, the harder it is to start. It feels impossible to start when you aim for bigger goals, and taking the first step towards them is a nightmare.
2. Procrastinating
When you have bigger goals, you naturally tend to plan more than you really want to do.
I’m talking about over-planning.
You just keep on researching, planning and trying to make it perfect before getting started. You just wait for the perfect time to start.
Spoiler alert — that time never comes.
3. Motivation Dies Without Quick Wins
You can relate to this instantly.
Have you ever lost your motivation in a few runs?
Because big goals take time and if you don’t achieve the goal soon enough, your motivation disappears.
As a result, you will quit before even getting halfway through your goal.
4. You Ignore the Magic of Tiny Wins
Thinking big makes you chase the result but does not let you enjoy the process of small wins.
It’s very important to celebrate small wins through your journey to keep the momentum flowing, or else you will burn out in a few runs.
People don’t win because of achieving one big goal, but they win because of achieving many small goals stacked together.
So, What to do instead?
Instead of thinking big, flip the script.
Think small, act big and everything will align itself in the path.
1. Shrink the Dream, Speed Up the Action
Instead of dreaming big, break that dream into small chunks and work for it.
Want to build a business? Start by getting your first paying customer.
Want to write a book? Start by writing 500 words daily.
These small goals are easy to achieve, while big goals will hold you back.
For example, setting a daily goal of writing 500 words gives you a sense of accomplishment every time you achieve it. If you achieve this goal for 7 days, you just completed writing 3,500 words.
Remember, you need progress, not perfection.
Progress beats perfection, every single time.
2. Master the Process, Not the Outcome
Enjoy the progress and fall in love with daily habits such as writing, selling or whatever it is.
When you fall in love with the process, you will automatically build consistency.
As I always love to say “Consistency is the key to success”.
3. Smaller dreams, smaller plan
When you have a bigger dream, you should have a bigger plan.
This is what your brain thinks. In reality, that bigger plan never comes, and you will be wasting a hell of a lot of time on planning.
However, if you have a smaller dream, you don’t need some fancy planning to get started.
On the other side, if you don’t come up with a plan, just start somehow.
Start messy, learn fast, and keep going.
Ending up with.
Dreaming big is not the problem, but thinking big is. If you have a bigger dream, split it into smaller goals and start working on it.
It will definitely get you to wherever you want.
Remember, success comes from persistence, not just ambition.
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